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Josh James and DOMO

Tony Bradshaw

As I was perusing the social scene this evening, I began checking up on a few of my favorite online companies and their CEOs. LinkedIn‘s Jeff Weiner, and Yahoo‘s Marissa Mayer. I couldn’t help but notice Marissa’s 400,000 twitter followers and Jeff’s 60,000. I began pondering my own social footprint. Truthfully, I’ve not been interested in creating a huge Twitter or Facebook following for myself as is evidenced by my pitiful 862 followers who see sporadic tweets from me on a random out of the blue basis. However, as I navigated through LinkedIn checking to see if Marissa had somehow miraculously accepted my invitation to connect, I was greeted by a BI advertisement targeting CIOs, and as you may know, I am a CIO. I was enticed, and before I knew what was happening, I clicked the link. Yes. I fell for one of the same marketing tactics I use on others. Obviously, it’s a very effective marketing tactic, but that isn’t the story.

After clicking the link, I was greeted by a wonderful landing page at DOMO. DOMO, if you don’t know, is run by Josh James, the former CEO of Omniture, one of my favorite web companies. Josh did some wonderful things over at Omniture, and after leaving Adobe/Omniture, he landed at DOMO as a major investor and the new CEO. In typical Josh fashion, DOMO has really stepped up its visibility. Josh’s teams have done some very good things with marketing over the years. While at Omniture, one of those was to buy and use to attract and support CMOs. Now, I see with DOMO, Josh has done it again with, and I have to ask, why didn’t someone else do this? It’s a simple yet brilliant strategy.

Way to go Josh! And, if one of your guys can make it down to Nashville for our October CIO Peer to Peer meeting (this month covering DataWarehousing and BI Reporting), that would be great.

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