If you want to learn about personal finance from some very knowledgeable people in a fun and entertaining way, you definitely need to listen to Joe Saul-Sehy and his show, Stacking Benjamins. Stacking Benjamins is a top rated personal finance podcast who hosts well known guests such as Jean Chatzky, noted financial expert and Today Show contributor, Jill Schlesinger, CBS Business Analyst, and more.
This week, I got to talk with Joe on his his award winning show broadcast from his mom's basement. I love the way Joe brings financial talk down to where anyone can understand it. Joe is more than just facts, figures and a bunch of financial jargon. His approach is disarming, uplifting, and encouraging. Personal finance, building wealth and becoming a millionaire isn't all that complicated. We just think it is. The truth is, almost anyone can become a millionaire if they make the right life and financial choices.